Thursday, 18 April 2013

Your turn to predict!

I have recently been putting some work into creating a play-off tournament template and now the final seedings have been confirmed it's time to let it come into use. We at NBATips1 would like you to predict the play-off scores throughout all the Western and Eastern conference play-off games all the way to the final. All you need is fill out your tournament tree including all series scores and send it back to us. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Email with your Name and where you are from!
2. You will be sent a template of the NBA play-offs
3. Fill out your template and return back to - it's that simple!

All predictions will be uploaded onto the blog and at the end of the play-offs the best prediction will be awarded some free bets from a major UK bookmaker - quite a prize!

1pt will be awarded for predicting the correct winner of a series
3pts will be awarded for predicting the series score

We will be updating a league table on the site throughout the play-offs

Get emailing and we wish you the best of luck!

Adam (below is my prediction as an example.... no copying!)

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